
Simple Steps to Lower Amazon AWS Usage Costs

 EC2: Use spot instances for back-end processes (non-UI, background processes, and so on). Spot instances have the lowest per-hour costs when compared to On-demand, Reserved, and well Spot instances. If your application requirements are consistent and long-term, utilizing Reserved instances saves you money. Reserved instance pricing is up to 75% cheaper than on-demand instance rates. When configuring auto-scaling, scale up rapidly and gently. Keep in mind that each stop and start (even if the instance was only running for a single second) counts as one full hour for Amazon AWS billing reasons. Instead of larger EC2 sizes, use smaller EC2 sizes with Autoscaling. Remove any new EBS volumes or snapshots. Elastic IP: Delete Elastic IP when it is no longer assigned to any instance. Unassigned Elastic IP addresses are charged. S3 (Simple Storage Service): Use simple storage service (s3) life cycle management of objects and, where applicable, move things to Glacier. For easily rep